An Overview Of Google Cloud Platform For Beginners

Paria Heidari
3 min readJan 26, 2021

How to get a basic overview and understand the overall concepts of Google Cloud Platform.

Google Cloud Platform’s services can be categorized as computing, storage, big data, machine learning, networking, and operations. Application services for your web, mobile, analytics and back-end solutions can be chosen on the GCP.

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There are four ways to interact with the Google Cloud Platform.

  1. GCP Console
    A web-based administrative interface.
    GCP Console enables you to view and manage all your projects and all the resources you use. it also gives you access to Cloud Shell. GCP Console lets you enable, disable and explore the APIs of GCP services.
  2. SDK and Cloud Shell
    There are tools such as the gcloud, gsutil, and bq command-line which can be used to manage resources and applications hosted on Google Cloud. Installing Google Cloud SDK
  3. Cloud Console Mobile App
    It lets you monitor and make changes to GCP resources from your iOS and Android device.
  4. Rest-based API
    There is APIs Explorer that helps you learn about the API interactively. APIs Explorer lets you easily try Google APIs using a browser.

Computing Services offered By Google Cloud Platform:

Create virtual machine (VM) instances and starting a VM instance

With console

With command line (cloud shell)

gcloud compute instances create my-vm

Find the right online storage product for your business

Storage and Database Services offered By Google Cloud Platform:

Google Cloud

If you are interested to know more about Google Cloud products and find the right one for improving your company or business, check the following link out!

The complete list of services and products that are available in the GCP.

An overview of the services in the GC console

Google console

